Melda Yaramış was born in Tokat in 1994. After completing her high school education at Tokat Fine Arts High School Painting Department, she started Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Painting Department. After completing her undergraduate education, she moved to Poland to work as a volunteer. During her one year in Poland, she spent her time organising workshops with both children and the elderly. At the end of 2019, she returned to Istanbul and started her master's degree in Basic Art and Design at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. In 2022, she graduated with her thesis titled "Lightness and the Construction of Humour in Contemporary Art". In recent years, she participated in various group exhibitions. In her works inspired by various sources, she focuses on topics such as post-truth, dreams and humour by combining different mediums such as oil painting, ceramics and watercolour. She continues her artistic works in her studio in Kadıköy.